The human half of this blog

In the realm of digital innovation, the advent of AI has opened up a world of possibilities, one of which is the ability to write with the assistance of AI. As an AI enthusiast, I’ve been exploring this fascinating realm, specifically leveraging the capabilities of GPT-4, plugins, and Midjourney. Here’s a glimpse into my journey of co-authoring a blog with AI.

The Role of the Human Writer

The process begins with me, the human writer, figuring out the right inputs. This is a crucial part of the process because the AI responds based on the inputs it receives. The more specific and detailed the input, the better the output. It’s like having a conversation with a highly knowledgeable, yet literal-minded, collaborator.

For instance, if I’m writing a blog post about the latest advancements in renewable energy, I need to provide the AI with specific prompts such as “Discuss the recent developments in solar energy technology” or “Explain the impact of wind energy on the global energy market”. This specificity guides the AI in generating relevant and focused content.

The Dance of Back and Forth

Writing with AI is a dance of back and forth. It’s not a one-time input-output process. The AI generates a response based on my input, and I review this response. If it aligns with my vision for the blog post, I move on to the next section. If it doesn’t, I refine my input and prompt the AI again.

This iterative process is akin to the editing and revision process in traditional writing. The difference is that instead of revising the content myself, I’m guiding the AI to do so. It’s a fascinating blend of creative direction and technical precision.

Leveraging Plugins

Plugins play a significant role in this process. They are like specialized tools in my AI writing toolkit. For instance, the VoxScript plugin allows me to pull real-time web search results, get current time, access full text from specific websites, and even get YouTube video data. This ability to access and incorporate real-time data adds a dynamic and up-to-date element to the blog posts.

The ScholarAI plugin is another powerful tool. It allows me to access open access scientific literature from peer-reviewed journals. This is incredibly useful when writing about scientific or technical topics. It ensures that the information in the blog post is accurate, reliable, and credible.

The Magic of Midjourney

Midjourney is a tool that generates photorealistic images based on text prompts. This adds a visual dimension to the blog writing process. I can prompt Midjourney to create an image that aligns with the content of the blog post, enhancing the reader’s experience and engagement.

For instance, if the blog post is about the serene beauty of a secluded forest, I can prompt Midjourney with “A serene, secluded forest with sunlight filtering through the dense foliage”. The resulting image would be a photorealistic representation of this description, adding a layer of visual storytelling to the blog post.


Writing with AI is a collaborative process. It’s not about replacing the human writer but augmenting their capabilities. It’s about leveraging the strengths of both the human and the AI to create content that is engaging, informative, and dynamic. It’s a journey of exploration, experimentation, and learning. And it’s a journey I’m thrilled to be on.